
Covid-19 News Update – July 2020

Back to your home practice!

As you would no doubt be aware there have been cases of COVID-19 linked to the Springfield area. As a precaution, the Providence Community Centre has placed a hold on non-essential services. This, unfortunately, means that our Yoga Classes can no longer proceed at present.

Yoga and Nutrition

Ever wondered why yoga and nutrition go together? You may not think there is a connection, but there is and the easiest place to see and understand it is through the Yamas and Niyamas, which are known as the yogic commandments or ethical guidelines. Here are just a couple in relation to food.

Benefits of yoga

Ever wondered why more and more people are practising yoga? Well for starters it makes you HAPPIER! By encouraging relaxation, yoga lowers levels of cortisol in the body known as the stress hormone. Related benefits include lowering blood pressure, better heart health, boosted immunity and improved digestion. But by decreasing stress we tend to sleep better and visa versa. Below are 12 reasons and benefits of practising yoga on a regular basis….

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